I don't have much to say, but I feel like I should be writing now that its the middle of January. So... happy 2009! I hope everyone has a fantastic year.
Things I am looking forward to this year, getting pregnant. Things I am not looking forward to this year... getting pregnant. While I am ready for baby #2 in many ways I also am a little fearful about how having a second child is going to effect my life. And even though I have already been pregnant before and had a wonderful baby girl I sometimes wonder if the second time around I could actually be as fortunate as the first. Will the second pregnancy go as well? Will child #2 be as happy and easy as my first? Will I be able to handle nursing a baby and potty training a toddler at the same time? What will it be like when my husband is gone for a month at a time and I have a newborn and a toddler to look after? Will I still be able to help my Mom when she needs me and as well? (That's a whole other story for another day.) So many unknowns and yet its such a wonderful thought that I we will be trying for another baby very soon. Its almost time to start that folic acid again... already??? I can't believe it. I could wait longer, but I don't want a five year span between kids. At this point baby #1 will be around 2 1/2 or 3 years old when #2 arrives. Hard to believe.
I also have a family member who has been trying to get pregnant since before I got pregnant with my first, and I am going to feel horrible if she doesn't get pregnant before I do with my second. But at the same time I can't put my life on hold to make sure she is next... and she doesn't expect me to do that anyways. I just hope and pray that any day now I will get a call with the good news... and I hope she has twins :-) That would be super!!! Maybe a bit difficult to hanlde, but then she would be "caught up"... silly thoughts, I know. I just want her to be happy and to have the family she has always dreamed of. And twins are an actual possibility for her, it runs in her side of the family. So I think it would be a double blessing if that happened and a time to celebrate!!! Plus, we would all be there to help her out.
Wow, I'll watch this space for the news then! I know you'll feel bad if your family member doesn't conceive first, but I'm sure she would feel worse if she knew you were having those thoughts... You have to live your life as you would any way, and I'm sure it will all work out for both of you the way God intended in the end.
you know? you just do (the two baby thing). and it will all work out in the end. honestly, i love the age difference in my girls - 3 years. the oldest was old enough to help a little and now ... they get along famously.
i was in the same boat with a family member. it's tough. really tough.
good luck.
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