Monday, March 30, 2009

Life in general

Life is going pretty well. The husband is home, so that is good. For some reason when he was gone this last time it seemed like a loooooong time, and now that he is home the time is passing way to quickly (why does that happen?). My little baby girl is becoming less of a baby every day, she is now 17 months old. She still does mostly baby babbling, but her favorite phrase is "uh-oh etti-o" for uh-oh spaghetti-o. Its super cute. She does answer all questions with "no" and that is funny and sometimes annoying to hear "no" all the time. But its the way kids are, so I can't complain. The temper tantrums are sometimes exhausting. But that also seems to happen around the same time every day, one hour before her nap and two hours before her bedtime, pre-dinner time. Kids get cranky, just how it is. I have tried time-outs with her, and that is just a load of fun (sarcastic tone). I put her in her crib for one minute, and sometimes it actually does calm her down... amazingly enough. I just hate the crying and all the drama, gives me a headache sometimes. But I love my baby girl, so in the end all is forgiven.

I am currently trying to lose more weight. I still have that soft squishy belly fat from my pregnancy weight gain. I think the rest of my body has responded pretty well to the regular exercise I started about six months ago. I just wish there was a magic wand I could wave to make that problem area go away. So I decided to get serious with my work outs and really start doing some major sweating and burn those calories! I am going to try a workout video called "30 Day Shred" by Jillian, from the Biggest Loser. Hopefully that will get some results... I will keep you posted. Since I am planning on trying to get pregnant in a couple months I am ready to get to a good weight so I don't have to lose this fat plus the pregnancy weight from the next one. I don't believe on building one pregnancy's fat on top of another's fat and then just losing it all together at the same time... that's the kind of silly nonsense like saying, "Why make the bed when you are just going to mess it up again tomorrow?" I like a my sheets clean, crisp and tightly tucked in or I can't sleep as well at night. So same goes for my body, tightly tucked and I am a happy camper. Hee Hee. Of course its been a long time since I have been nice and lean, and firmed up. But that's no reason to stop trying. So wish me luck... on losing the weight and getting pregnant too. I hope to have both accomplished by the end of this summer... :-)

On the baby subject, that family member I talked about the last couple posts is in the process of waiting to see if she is pregnant from a second try with an IUI procedure. I really hope it worked for her this time. I have a good feeling about it this time, but that's all it is... a feeling. As I said before, I really hope she gets pregnant first. I would feel bad if I had my second child and she was still trying for her first. I know I can't control things like that, but I am praying that it doesn't happen. So cross your fingers and wish her luck as well, or pray, or wish on a shooting star when you see one next. I would be so ecstatic to see her pregnant!!! And of course she would be too, as well as her husband.

Well, that's my life in general... talk to you later!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Countdown

At some point, after my husband's been gone for a few weeks, we both start doing a countdown of days left. He'll send me an instant message on my Blackberry, "9 days!" and I will send a smiley face back. I am glad he wants to come back home so bad that he is counting the days, and then I start to get excited and start the countdown myself. I don't like to think about how long he has been gone, but its fun to start seeing the numbers get smaller and smaller as he sends me messages towards the end.

Its been a rough month while he was gone this time. I was sick, the baby got Bronchitis, my in-laws were both sick, and I almost about lost my mind after two weeks held up in the house with cold weather outside and not allowing any friends to come over in fear of them getting sick. Now that we are all feeling better hubby's home coming is only a week away! YAYYYYYY!!!! I am going to be soooo happy to see him again. I am glad we will be healthy when he gets home, but I really hope the next time both I, the in-laws, and the baby are sick he will be around to help out. She never loses her energy when she is sick, but I am just a pile of jell-o when I'm sick... laying on the floor while she plays around me or on me. Its not fun. If the in-laws aren't sick they can take her away when she is up and let me take a nap to recover. But when they are also sick then its all up to me to take care of the munchkin, whether I have the energy or not.

These past few days I have been taking her all over the place out of the house, and now when we are home alone I crave going outside... like a junky looking for my next fix. I try to think of ANYTHING to get out of the house, an errand or a friend to visit, or I try to tag along with someone else while they go about their business. Strange how sometimes all I want to do is stay home and the very idea of taking the baby out somewhere seems like such a feat of strength, and other times its like no biggie, I can go anywhere and do anything with her! I guess its because I was at home alone for so long that any trip outside our home feels GREAT! Anyway... this blog is good for those times I am anxious about sitting around at home, I have something to do, other blogs to visit and I can just chill.

Here's to the pilot husband's return... "cheers!" and the wonderful countdown every morning brings... 10, 9, 8, 7, 6... woo hoo!